Wednesday, February 24, 2016



Ø Equation of motions is build on the basis of the balance of momentum principal.

Ø In particle mechanics a particle P that has mass m and move with the velocity v is said to posses (linear) momentum mv and the general statement of Newton ’s second law is

                                  d(mv)=F. (1). dt

Ø The term F encompass the ”sum of the forces acting on the mass ”.
Ø Noting that the both the density and velocity may change from point to point within the system ,newtons second law can be expressed more generally as


Ø Where ρv dv is the  differential element dv,which has mass dm=ρdv.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Everyone
    During this online learning period, it is really difficult to find enough good materials to fulfil our knowledge on any specific topic. So, I think as many as we can browse through different resources available on online, it will help us out to develop the understanding of that subjects. Meanwhile, my PhD supervisor Dr. Firat Testik from The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) developed the following online Lecture Videos for the undergraduate Fluid Mechanics course on YouTube. You can reach the modules on YouTube at the following link:

    Fluid Mechanics

    If you would like to be informed on the new content or keep connected for when needed, you may want to subscribe and follow on YouTube. This will be a helpful resource for you in refreshing your fluid mechanics knowledge. Thank you.
